An average mom

Inner dialogue

Oh y’all…  Yesterday, I had a day! I know you know the kind of day I had.  It all started with a colossal layer of dust on the tv stand which led me to see the dog hair tumbleweed which led to a mad, cleaning frenzy which led to an average mom inner dialogue that went something like this…


Oh my gosh!  I am the worst housekeeper ever!  I spend too much time on facebook, soccer and work and not enough time cleaning.  Am I out of breath?  Really??!!  I’m so out of shape that vacuuming makes me huff.  Great!  And did the vacuum just hit my belly?  UGH!  My belly is too big to vacuum with.  Really?!  Really!  Well…  It matches my boobs.  They’re too big, too.  Man, I need a vacation. 


If I had enough money, I could take a good vacation.  I could hire a housekeeper and then I wouldn’t have to do this.  If I had enough money, my house would be all remodeled.  I could clean the kitchen without having to move paint cans and sanders out of my way.  I wouldn’t need sanders, the contractor would do it.  If I had enough money, I’d have a lake house and I could be floating on the lake with a cocktail and not even look at this place.  While I’m at it, I should hire a gardener. 


The weeds outside are as tall as my dog.  I need to do that.  Ugh…  If I was a better photographer, I’d have more money.  Why aren’t my kids helping me?  Oh.  Because I’m a terrible mom and don’t make them do enough chores.  I don’t make them study enough either.  Ugh…  What if they don’t get good jobs because I wasn’t mean enough?  Look at all the stuff I have…  with dust all over it.  I don’t need to be dusting all this stuff.  I don’t need this stuff.  Jeez.  I need a garage sale.  That sounds as fun as a root canal.  Who has time to have a garage sale?  I don’t have enough time to do what I’m supposed to do let alone do something extra like a garage sale.  Dang! 

No good

Why aren’t I as good as the other moms?  They get it all done.  Their houses look great.  They’re skinny.  They look cute in yoga pants.  I look shlumpy.  Their kids are smarter and more helpful.  They have enough money and they do it all with a Starbucks cup in their hands. This inner dialogue went on and on and on…  All.  Day.  Long.

And by the end of the day, when I had beat myself up to the point of emotional black and blueness, I ended up in tears and with a facebook post about not being the person I want to be right now.

It’s okay

I know I’m not alone.  I know many of you have done this too.  Why oh  Why do we do this to ourselves?  We expect such perfection out of ourselves and we support our friends while degrading ourselves.  If I had the answer to that, I’m sure I’d own the internet.  All I can offer is this…

I am an average mom.  I’m not as skinny, healthy, wealthy or as perfect as I’d like to be but I’m here, still trying and I’m loved.  I have good friends.  My kids are polite and well-liked.  My home keeps us warm and dry.  I’m fortunate to live in a nice community.  I fall down now and then but I’m doing okay.  It’s okay if I’m not perfect.  I don’t have to have the perfect body, hair and make-up.  My kids don’t have to be the smartest in their school or the best at everything.  It’s okay that I’m average and you’re okay, too…

What’s not okay is constantly comparing ourselves to others.  We will always fall short.

Comparison steals joy

No matter how many times I compare myself to others, I’ll always see their strengths and my weaknesses.  I don’t know if it’s human nature or just my own insecurities but I’m trying to embrace my journey.  While I struggle with perfectionism, I’m trying to be okay with being a less than perfect mom.  Embracing average is my goal.  I’m doing what I can…  And I’m really grateful there are other moms who understand and lift a girl up when she needs it.  Be the kind of person that lifts others & lift yourself when you need it!


I love having you on the road with me!

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