Take a vacation
I’m curious. Are you the type of person to take a vacation every year? Maybe more than one? We try to take one every year but mainly, we visit family. Lucky for us, our family lives in some wonderful places and they’re willing to put up with us. This visit was to one of our favorites—the lake.
Prepping for vacation is stressful for me. Laundry, packing, arranging for the dogs, getting my clients taken care of before I go… I really pack a lot of effort into leaving… So many times I’ve thought I should just send the family. It would be easier if I could just stay home… I inevitably decide that I will enjoy myself “once I get there”. I’m sure most moms know what I’m talking about.
We left early in the morning. The kids were cranky. It seems teenagers aren’t fond of early mornings even when they’re excited. There was literally a moment that I knew we were all on vacation. The annoyances of packing were done. We were in the car and the conversation turned from the “did we forget anything” mode to “I can’t wait to…” It was kind of cool to be aware it was happening. We spent some time fondly remembering past visits to the lake before the kids passed out and Andy and I focused on the highway ahead.
Road Trips
I am actually a fan of road trips. I like seeing what’s along the way. We play the license plate game. I enjoy the journey. On this journey, I enjoy the familiar sights along the way—Allegheny State Park, a little airport, Lake Chautauqua, the fly fishing museum… Once I see the signs for that, I know I’m close.
Our destination is tucked into the woods of New York. It’s either near or in the Catskills–depending on who you ask. It’s quiet. Cell service is sketchy at best. No speed boats. No jet skis. There’s almost always a breeze. Civilization is ‘at least’ 5 miles away and that consists of a trading post, a gas station and a couple of other little places. It feels like a different world. And it’s so good for my soul.
The lake
I sit down on that dock and listen to the water. I watch my kids kayak the lake searching for the biggest bass fish ever found on the lake. This year, we had a couple contenders, both caught right off the dock.
(I’m calling the boy victorious, longer arms and all. )
We went night kayaking this time. I loved watching the sun go down while floating in the middle of the lake. I watched the sky fade into pink and then into gray. What is it about being on the water that is so peaceful? It feeds my soul like nothing else can.
I hope you get some down time this summer. Find some moments of peace and quiet. I certainly did. I also renewed my dream for a lake house of our own…. For now, though, I’m back here on Bright Road moving kids from one place to another, doing that photographer thing I do and putzing around in my sweet little ranch. That winning lottery ticket still hasn’t showed up show slow and steady is still my rate of progress.
Speaking of progress, I think I finally broke through on the kitchen project. More on that soon…
I love having you on the road with me!
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