Kitchen cabinet hardware
I got new cabinet hardware today!! (Let’s not talk about how lame I am to get this excited over cabinet hardware. My lameness is a painful topic.) Thank you, Amazon for making my life easier.
If you are interested in more information on these handles or would like to buy them for yourself, please click on the images. (This post contains affiliate links. See the bottom of this post for a full explanation of affiliate links.)
For the doors
I got these satin nickel beauties for the cabinet doors. They’re a little over 6 inches in length and I believe they have a timeless style.

I love how solid they feel! I’m also in love with the clean lines. If you haven’t learned that about me yet, I’m not much for excessive frills. I like to keep things simple. Which is why, for the drawers, I bought these little lovelies.
For the drawers

There is just enough curve to these to soften things up a bit. The mix of the straight lines and the curved pulls will be cabinet hardware magic, I tell ya!
It was a blessing for me that I found an option where I could buy a package of 10. My kitchen needs 9 so it was just about perfect. Again, I felt they were affordable and stylish. Cabinet hardware is a finishing touch in this process and I’m really not very close to finishing but it made me so happy to check that purchase off my list. I can’t wait to show you photos with them installed!
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