You are Enough

How many times in life do we beat ourselves up and feel like less than what we’re supposed to be? Well. Today, I’m here to tell you. You are enough.

I don’t know if it’s the new year or the fact that I just had a birthday but I’ve found myself looking ahead and scheming… I mean planning what’s ahead. Whenever I plan, I make a list. My goal was to make a list of all that needs to be done as well as the things I’d like to do so I can see the big picture and set some priorities on which project needs to be done in what order.

Self check in

Well, I made my list… And I wanted to cry. Friends, there is still SO much to do around here. I definitely felt defeated and after my little kitchen victory, that was a major letdown. It got me thinking. How many times in life have you beat yourself up for not being “enough”? Countless?

I’m not a good enough wife/mom, or daughter. My house isn’t clean/nice enough. I’m not rich enough, thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough or handy enough. I’m just not enough.


Best face for the world

Why do we do this to ourselves? I know that on social media, there’s this mask of perfection. None of us are really perfect but we all put our best game face on for the world, don’t we? I know. I’m guilty. My instagram is looking pretty good despite the fact that there is zero perfection in this house but you wouldn’t know it from what you see on social media.

Most days at home I’m in leggings and a hoodie or my paint covered clothes. There’s no makeup. My hair is… well… we’ll call it naturally wavy (Translation: I got out of the shower and did nothing with it.) Photos of me online tell a different tale. Both are the truth but one feels like a dirty secret. Why is that?

I mean. Surely, I’m not the only woman on the planet who likes to be comfortable whenever possible, who isn’t afraid of a dirty dish in the sink, who frantically cleans when someone is on their way to her home and pleeeeease tell me I’m not the only mom who has lost it with her kids.

While we all say we want to be perfect and we show our most perfect selves to the world, I think our true desire is to be ‘enough’. That constant feeling of not being good enough at (fill in the blank) nags at our souls like nails on a blackboard. It leaves us feeling empty and like failures at some of the most important things we do.

I can’t promise this little blog post will fix my desire for perfection but I can promise it will help me remember there’s an important balance between striving for me and being grateful for where I am.


Today, I have a clean, new to me kitchen. I worked hard for it. And while the rest of my house is lacking, the kitchen is enough—for now, at least. And in case you need to hear it today… You are enough.

Whatever you’re doing, take pride in the fact that you’re doing it.  And that’s enough.  



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  1. Becky

    Beautifully said and oh so true!! We are all enough! ❤️

    1. Donna

      We are! It’s sad we have to convince ourselves. If we all keep telling each other, maybe we’ll finally get it. 😉

  2. Martha Bania

    Wow, Donna that was a pretty powerful blog. I think you “do” get it, and you hit the nail on the head for me, spot on. it couldn’t have come at a better time as I’m pushing myself to get out of the slump I’ve been in these past 6 months or so. The difference this time is I’m doing it for myself. I want my energy back so I can set into motion all the things my mind goes into overdrive about. Thank you for this timely reminding.

    1. Donna

      I know the slump so well. I have no doubt you will do anything you decide to. You’re a pretty fabulous person, Martha. xoxo