How to prep paneling for paint

Painting paneling requires a little prep to insure a great finish. Follow along to learn how to prep paneling for paint.

If you remember, this is what our family room looked like on the day we moved in.

I had painted the paneling once to brighten things up but it’s been years. That paint job was in sad shape. So… I had to put some effort into prepping the walls–again. I started with TSP.

I sprayed a little bit then wiped down the walls with a hand towel. Ummm… Gross!!

After that, I bribed my youngest son to give the walls a quick sanding. Then I wiped down the walls again. It took THREE coats of primer for me to feel like it was really covered.

THREE coats! Honestly, prep work is the most tedious part of any project but I believe it makes a huge difference. So now that I’ve shared how to prep paneling for paint, don’t skip that important step!

I’ll share the finished, painted walls when the room is put back together. That feels like it might be a while. These frigid temperatures are sucking all the motivation out of me. I just want to curl up in a blanket and watch Netflix.

What are you doing to stay warm?



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