IKEA shelving

fireplace refresh

Now that the cabinets, walls and fireplace are painted, I needed to tackle the blank space above the cabinets. I debated rebuilding the bookcases but I’ve fallen in love with the lack of visual clutter and really, I wasn’t in love enough with the idea to go to that effort and spend that money. At the same time, there was definitely something missing above the cabinets.

I debated mirrors and sconces.

The round mirror is from Target and I eyeball that beauty every single time I’m at the store. At $49.99, it’s also really affordable. Can we talk about the sconces? $39.99 of loveliness. I love it! $180 and this look is complete unless your budget is the size of a postage stamp, like mine is right now.

Here’s where you get another crazy backstory. I have flooring for this room. Turns out, the amount I bought may or may not be enough. In most cases, you go buy more if you need it, right? Well… Not when you bought it years ago and the flooring is now discontinued. If I don’t have enough, I’ll have to go buy a roomful of flooring so… I need to keep the budget in this room as tiny as Scarlett O’Hara’s waistline just in case I have to spend a serious buck on floors.

Math is important, kids. Also, doing flooring in a house one room at a time is a risky move. You could get partway through and find your floors discontinued. If you can buy it all at once, I highly recommend it. And I would really, really, really like to buy THIS chair at Target.

My current chair is too big for the room and is in DESPERATE need of reupholstering.

Okay, let’s get back to topic: the space above the cabinets… I was visiting IKEA. I was planning ahead to another room and really, I’m game for any excuse to go to IKEA. It’s one of my happy places. While there, I looked at shelf brackets. I thought a couple of open shelves would fill the space and not be too heavy. As always, I was worried about being able to find studs to hold the weight of shelves.

I rounded the corner and saw these little metal picture shelves.

Lightweight. Not visually bulky. $12.99 each. SOLD! I bought 6 of them but it turned out, four did the trick.

What do you think? Most of my gallery wall is now on these shelves which opens up the room to other artwork. If you’re interested in a “How I hung these shelves” post, let me know. I’m happy to put one together for you.

PS. These shelves would be awesome in a kitchen for spices or in a bathroom for nail polish. I can imagine so many uses for them.

As always… xoxo


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