
While I’ve been fighting the “what to do with broken bookcases battle”, Andy opted to take on the mantel. I’m SO glad he did.

A lot of people like this mantel. I’ve gotten enough splinters from it to no longer enjoy it. I was hoping for a mantel with a little warmer color and a smoother yet rustic appearance. I gave it a little sanding to see if there was something amazing under the splintery exterior.

It seemed promising. Andy and I decided we had nothing to lose. We should sand it down and see what we get. My awesome husband spent the better part of an afternoon in our chilly garage sanding this piece of wood.

He got SO dirty!

I have to say he looks so handsome in sawdust. It really brings out the blue in his eyes. Don’t you think?

He sanded it and sanded it some more. He softened the edges. He found a more appealing color underneath. He really did a great job! I can’t wait to share it with you. I’ll do that when we figure out some new corbels. For now, you’ll have to settle for a teaser photo.



I love having you on the road with me.

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